Leather Goods


Absolutely gorgeous! - I have the Blue and Gold macaw clutch and it’s gorgeous! Beautiful yet practical, big enough for my phone snd sunglasses and such, but mostly… beautiful! - Judith

Great bag - Lovely bag, good workmanship. Easily holds all my stuff with room for more! – Lisa 

One of these was just gifted to me last week! I had no idea how beautiful they are. I am just ecstatic over it. - Jean

Omigosh!!! I received my BFA purse today, and I was left almost speechless. All I could say was "Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" as I turned it round and round and admired it. This picture is good, but it doesn't do it justice how beautiful it is for real. Soft but sturdy leather on the outside, very soft sky blue lining. I couldn't find a single mistake. This purse is well worth every penny! - Tammy 
4 products