About Us 
We are parrot lovers and as you probably know, PARROTS ARE ADDICTIVE!
Our products are inspired by the parrots and world around us. Beautiful, high quality goods that are designed especially for you. Learn about us below and meet the people that make our brand what it is.
Decades ago, I started with a budgie, then bought a cockatiel, next came lovebirds and I fell in love with these amazing, feisty little parrots. I was one of the first to offer hand-fed lovebird babies and they all made amazing pets. One client wrote me, 20+ years after buying his bird, to tell me Petie was still going strong and was a beloved member of the family.
I also traveled to the Solomon Islands to help research various species of lories. After a particularly rigorous and exhausting jungle stay, I visited Bali for a much-needed holiday. I learned about batik and saw some really interesting examples of modern batikwork.
I created an online-business, Beyond Batik, offering parrot-themed mix 'n match batik clothing and home decor products. Unfortunately, after a few years, I had to close the business due to two reasons: 1) Online shopping was not yet popular, and, 2) we decided to move to Costa Rica. After several years, I missed the creative opportunities the business had offered me. We decided it was time to restart it. So, we're SO pleased to again offer you our hand-painted batik products. We like to think they are as unique and eye-catching as your parrots! And this time around, we found a supremely talented group of leather-workers. So, we've expanded the scope of our business to include hand-tooled, hand-painted leather bags and accessories.
Something else to consider - our exclusive products not only provide employment for numerous artisans and their families but also enables them to pass on their cultural, artistic heritage to the next generation.
Finding quality parrot-themed clothing and gifts can be time-consuming and frustrating. So, besides developing our own unique lines, we've gathered some of the most interesting products we've found and are offering them for sale. All of our products ship from the U.S.A.
If you're looking for boutique quality, unique gifts, our custom designed clothing and leather goods are your perfect choice!
Not all parrots have loving, forever homes and the plight of wild parrots is heart-rending. With much love and respect for these intelligent, gorgeous creatures, and with your help, we will be donating product and/or a percentage of sales to approved parrot charities. As we grow, we'll be able to do more!
My name is Desiree and I am the creative soul behind Parrot Addict. I develop the designs for our leather and batik goods, source our products, and manage the website. I'm here to answer any of your questions. My husband, Tim, is the Owner. I'm pleased long-time parrot enthusiast, Elise Negrin, is our U.S. Representative. She will be attending various conferences on our behalf and is also responsible for Quality Assurance and shipping our products.
Here's a posting Elise made to our Facebook 'Parrot Addict Group' page:
"Hello Everyone! I am the USA Distributor for Parrot Addict items. Therefore, I see each item in person. They are simply magnificent. The colors are bright and beautiful. If you can, buy one of the leather bags. I have never seen such nice work in my 25+ years of the parrot world.
The Sarongs can be worn so many ways, just ask. You can use a sarong as a wall hanging, sofa throw, or bed throw or a skirt, jacket, large scarf and more!
Overall, I do not like to work with things I do not love. I LOVE this product line!"
Thank you, Elise, for working with us!
I am privileged to be working with some amazing artists and artisans. Without them, Parrot Addict wouldn't be possible. In the photo below, on the right, is our fantastic batik-maker, Nyoman. On the left, is my driver, Ketut.
Joe is in charge of production of our hand-tooled, hand-painted leather goods. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of him yet.
Thank you!
Desiree & the Parrot Addict Team